We believe attendance is a whole-school responsibility and all work diligently to achieve excellent attendance. We would like to congratulate and thank the many parents who make sure their children attend school regularly too.
In line with our core purpose to develop students with the knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits (KASH) to succeed in life, we monitor attendance patterns with vigilance.
Absence disrupts the education of the individual student and the whole class.
Are you aware that children who do not attend regularly:
- do not achieve well in exams
- find it difficult to maintain friendships
- miss out on opportunities
Attendance to school is vital for your child’s success and it is a fact that non-attendance to school can seriously disadvantage children in their adult life.
We are recognising those with excellent attendance through a range of rewards from hot chocolates to certificates, to chocolate treats and badges. A reminder too, for every lesson a student is in they receive a positive point. Those students that retain 95% of their points will go to our exciting rewards trip at the end of the year.
Education is a gift and it is essential that students attend every day – making every moment of this gift count!