Academy Life

Life at Bournville School

Bournville School offers students the opportunity to flourish in a creative, stimulating and aspirational learning environment.

Learning and the curriculum

At Bournville we provide learning opportunities that challenge and motivate all our students to learn. There is frequent assessment in lessons, this may be in the form of questioning or discussions. Assessment helps the teacher to shape the learning so to meet the needs of all students.


Learning is celebrated throughout the year through our reward system ‘Griffins’. Learning is also celebrated in assemblies, displays around the school and through contact with parents.


Beyond the curriculum, Bournville offers an environment where respect and courtesy are the norm, with students and staff passing the time of day; this allows the students to form good relationships with the school community. The school is grounded in the strength of relationships between staff, students and parents.

School Prospectus

Download Bournville Schools Information Pack to learn more about the opportunities available for all students and the culture beyond the curriculum; where respect and courtesy are embedded within our community.
