Bournville Primary Provision

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The welfare of our students at Bournville School Primary is a key focus. 

We understand that in order for our students to maximise their academic potential and develop social skills they must be feel safe and valued.

Upon entering Bournville your son/daughter will be become an integral member of our Academy and our dedicated and experience staff will ensure your son / daughter is safe, happy and working hard by being the constants that enable your child to approach new ways of doing things confidently and successfully.

Whilst part of an all-through school, primary students are located in a safe, controlled environment; break time and lunch times are separated from the secondary provision. will be the constants that enable your child to approach new ways of doing things confidently and successfully.


Please click here to access the whole school safeguarding page


For most concerns regarding children at Bournville School you should contact your child’s form tutor. For safeguarding concerns please see below contacts:


Miss N Briner Primary DSL – 

Mrs A Bharj Primary Deputy DSL

