Our Academy
Statutory Information and Reports
The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 came into force on 1 September 2012. This requires specific information to be published on the academy website.
1. Contact Details
Bournville Academy
Hay Green Lane,
West Midlands,
B30 1SH
Telephone: 0121 475 3881
E-mail Address: post@bournville.fmat.co.uk
Twitter: @BournvilleSch
Principal: Miss M Rooney
Please contact Angela Mills for all enquiries on the number above, or a.mills@bournville.fmat.co.uk
Special Educational Need Coordinator (SENDCO): Mrs R Richardson-Power r.richardsonpower@fmat.co.uk
Designated Lead Teacher for Looked After Children (LAC): Miss K Wheeler: k.wheeler@bournville.fmat.co.uk
Contact information for Chair of the Trust Board and our Multi Academy Trust, FMAT
2. Admission Arrangements
Click on the link for details on Admissions Arrangements
Click on the link for details on Admissions Criteria September 2023
3. Ofsted Reports
4. Examination Outcomes
Information regarding examination results can be found on our Examination Outcomes and School Performance Tables page.
Key Stage 1 Phonics programme used: Read, Write, Inc. Key Stage 2 results – not applicable
Key Stage 4 exam results
| 2022-23 |
Progress 8 | TBA |
Attainment 8 | 32.8 |
Percentage of students who have achieved Grade 5 or above in English and Maths | 21.1% |
Percentage of students who have achieved a Grade 4 or above in English and Maths | 42.1% |
Percentage of students who were entered for English Baccalaureate | 11.4% |
Percentage of students who achieved the English Baccalaureate | 7% |
Percentage of students staying in education or employment after Key Stage 4 | TBA |
5. Performance Tables
6. Curriculum information
Click on the link for the Bournville Prospectus
Click on the link for details on Bournville’s Curriculum
Should you wish to know further information regarding our curriculum please email post@bournville.fmat.co.uk or call 0121 475 3881 and ask to speak to our Principal.
8. Pupil Premium funding
Our strategy for the use of the Pupil Premium Funding Grant and its impact can be found on our Additional Funding page.
9. Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up Premium
Our strategy for the use of the Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up Premium and its impact can be found on our Additional Funding page.
10. Covid 19 Catch-Up premium
Our strategy for the use of the Covid 19 Catch-Up premium and its intended impact can be found on our Additional Funding page.
11. PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools
12. Equality Objectives
13. The SEND Policy and SEND Information Report
Name of SENDCO: Mrs R Richardson-Power – r.richardsonpower@.fmat.co.uk
Our SEND Policy can be found on our policies page – please click here
SEND Information Report can be found on this page
14. Accessibility plan for disabled students
Please see our SEND information page for details on how we support our disabled students in accessing a full curriculum experience. Please also see our Accessibility plan and SEND policy.
15. Careers Programme Information
17. Annual reports and accounts
Please see our Trust finance page for financial annual reports and further documentation.
18. Trustees’ information and duties
Please see our Trust Governance pages for details of our Trust governance arrangements and further documentation. Click on the menu on the Right Hand Side of the page to explore each section.
Please also see our Governance and Academy Associates page for further information.
19. Charging and remissions information
20. Executive Pay
Please click here to review the Trust website’s Annual Reports and Accounts page, where information on Executive Pay can be found.
21. Ethos and values
Bournville is an academy with a proud history and distinct tradition. Before Bournville became a comprehensive school in the 1970s it was previously two sibling grammar schools: Bournville Girls Grammar School and Bournville Grammar-Technical School For Boys, previously known as Bournville Boys Technical School. The technical school for boys, the city’s first technical school, opened in October 1955. The pioneering technical school later combined with the girls’ grammar school on the same site. The boys’ school was organised along ‘Public School’ lines with four houses—Belmont, Griffin, Manor and Woodlands.
We stay true to our traditions and roots at Bournville –our students wear their blazers and ties with pride. We have a proud musical and sporting history and we are unashamedly ambitious for all our students. Every child that passes through the Bournville gates is a ‘Griffinian’, following in the footsteps of thousands of ‘Old Griffinians’ who have walked our schools corridors and succeeded in our classrooms. The Griffin is the symbol of our school and a unifying force in binding us all along our shared mission and values.
Our Mission:
Bournville School aims to develop articulate, resilient and ambitious students, regardless of background, with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to excel in modern Britain.
Our Core Values and Beliefs:
- Excellence – We strive for the highest quality to ensure excellent outcomes
- Dedication – We believe there is dignity in hard work and effort
- Ambition – We want the very best for our students
- Integrity – We believe in openness and transparency
- Tradition – We believe in old fashioned manners, courtesy and respect
22. Other useful policies:
Relationships Education,
Relationships and Sex Education
(RSE) and Health Education
Policy: RSE Policy
23. Requests for paper copies
Should you require paper copies of any of the above information, please contact the academy on:
0121 475 3881 or email: post@bournville.fmat.co.uk