Primary Provision
Parent Zone
Useful links for parents
Reporting Bullying or Concerns
Educate against, Extremism & Radicalisation
At Bournville School, we teach our students how to use modern technologies appropriately to support their learning across the curriculum. The internet can provide a world of opportunities to those who use it securely. Whilst pupils are using technologies at school there is a variety of software that runs in the background, designed to help keep students safe.
It is essential that students learn how to keep themselves safe whilst using the internet and students at Bournville learn about ‘e-safety’ regularly. However it is also important that parents and carers understand the importance they play in this role.
Below you will find links for both students and their parents / carers about how to keep safe on the internet.
Home / School Communication
Bournville Primary uses Class Dojo to communicate with parents on a day-to-day basis. We use the free version of this app, although you can pay a yearly subscription if you choose to as a parent (you do not need to do this even when it sends you reminders). You are able to message your child’s class teacher directly as well as keep up to date information on what is happening in your child’s class and the school in general.
For more information, please download our Parent Guide to help you.
Free School Meals
- There are no paper forms to complete and return
- The automated system with notify Bournville if you are eligible
- There is no need to supply evidence to support your application
- It is a secure and confidential process
- There is one application; you do not have to renew your entitlement each year
To apply online please click on the following link:
Free school meals application form
In order to complete the online application you will need your national insurance number or national asylum support service reference number and your child’s date of birth.
You will only need to apply once for each child for the entire time they are at Bournville, and the process is both quick and simple.
If you have any queries or need any further assistance in completing your application, please contact Bournville on 0121 475 3881 and ask for Miss A Mills
Microsoft Office software
Install and use the latest Microsoft Office software, for FREE! This applies to all students enrolled at Bournville School.
You can also use the new Office Apps on your iPad.