Personal Development at Bournville
At Bournville we prepare all our students for their future as responsible citizens, willing to make a positive contribution to society with an appreciation of diversity and a respect for British Values and equality. We provide a wide number of rich and varied experiences and opportunities through our curriculum and our co-curriculum to develop talents, interests, and an individual’s cultural capital. All of this is underpinned by our mission which encourages students to ‘STRIVE’ for success developing character. We ensure that our careers and employability provision is worthy of acclaim and our Student Leadership programme and House system enables our students to engage, inspire and achieve. Underpinning all of our Personal Development work is the culture we create from our Vision, Values, Mission and Expectations; the Bournville School Way.
Our PSHE curriculum incorporates Relationships, Sex and Health Education and through a spiral, age-appropriate curriculum develops the knowledge and skills needed for pupils to lead confident, healthy and responsible lives, to keep themselves safe and be able to make informed choices.
We aim to ensure that our pupils know how to keep themselves safe, know how to keep themselves mentally and physically healthy, understand all aspects of relationships and sex education, know how to be an informed citizen and make the right career choices for their future. We also ensure that pupils learn about different faiths and religions, and we actively promote our Fundamental British Values. We are a fully inclusive school and equality, and diversity is central to all they we do and all that we represent as a school community.
There is also an extensive programme of workshops, presentations and assemblies organised for different groups of students throughout the academic year. RHSE content is also delivered through other curriculum subjects such as Food Technology, PE, Science, Computing and English.
PSHE subject content is directed by the statutory guidance on Relationships Education, Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) and Health Education. It is reviewed continually to meet the needs of our pupils and our local context. We provide age-appropriate teaching to ensure highly effective delivery of the statutory content, enhanced by workshops and external providers. Our policy outlines how the school RSHE curriculum is delivered.
We have a planned programme of assemblies which is based on a thematic approach in line with our personal development curriculum. Our assembly provision is planned to:
• Promote ‘The Bournville Way’
• Provide Careers information and embed our employability skills
• Share opportunities for active citizenship
• Raise awareness and educate our pupils about Fundamental British Values/SMSC.
• Respond to any local issues as they arise
• Celebrate success and reward pupils for their effort and achievements
• Promote equality and celebrate diversity
• Raise awareness of local and national events and issues and discuss key topics areas in line with the PSHE curriculum (RE/Careers/RSHE)
Tutor time
At the beginning and end of each day, tutor time allows pupils to build relationships with their peers and have a trusted adult for pastoral support. Tutor time sets the tone for the day and includes:
- Pastoral care and wellbeing of pupils
- Weekly notices for students
- The Bournville Way
- Equipment and uniform checks
- Attendance reviews
- Numeracy activities
- Reading and literacy work
- VotesforSchools
- PSHE/Citizenship activities
- Careers activities
- Activities relating to whole school events e.g., World Book Day, Mental Health Week, E-Safety Week etc.
- Assemblies
- Celebration of student success
British Values
Across the curriculum we promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Although these are the key fundamental British values, we feel that there is more to being British, and we therefore ensure we teach a full and rounded curriculum that prepared students for life in modern Britain.
Find out more here.
SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Bournville School promotes SMSC through the subject based curriculum, PSHE, form tutor activities, assemblies and whole school activities as well as through our whole school values and culture.
Character Education
Character Education is embedded within our ethos, values and our curriculum. We address Character explicitly through our STRIVE curriculum, rewards system, clubs, support and intervention, assemblies, form time and our Behaviour and Rewards systems. We hope that the experiences we provide enable our students to develop a set of character traits, attributes and behaviours that will lead them to success in education, work and life.
Key Links:
The House System
The House system is a school tradition that was re-established in 2023 and is now at the centre of life at Bournville. It generates a sense of identity and belonging which helps students to develop leadership skills, loyalty, responsibility and healthy competition.
Our aim is to provide every student in each house with the following:
- a sense of belonging within the school community
- a sense of achievement both inside and outside of the classroom
- fun and excitement through competition
- opportunities for leadership
- an awareness of individual and collective responsibility
The names of the Houses were selected democratically, voters deciding to celebrate local heroes; Austin, Boulton, Cadbury and Tolkien.
House Structure
Students are assigned to one of the four houses on entrance to the school where they remain until the end of year 11; where possible younger siblings will become a member of the same house. Each member of staff is also attached to a house.
House points
Students can contribute to their house by being awarded house points for excellent classwork, homework, for excellent attendance and for taking part in house competitions. There really is something for everyone.
One of the highlights of each half term is the celebration assembly which will celebrate all contributions to house activities. At the end of the academic year, the House with the most points will win the House Cup.
As a school we support our students in realising our whole school mission to STRIVE for success through a comprehensive Careers, Education, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme.
Our personalised programme is informative, promotes the development of essential skills and encourages students to raise their aspirations. Our programme closely follows the framework of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure quality provision. See more here
Student Leadership
At Bournville we give our pupils the very best curriculum experience possible. This includes the opportunity for pupils to develop as active citizens and to STRIVE for success. We develop these skills and values by encouraging our pupils to take on additional roles that provide them with responsibilities and allow them to develop their leadership skills.
Prefects – Our Year 11 Prefects are active role models for the school, upholding our values and providing support for staff and their peers.
Student Councillors – Our Student Councillors are elected by their form groups, taking part in regular discussions and activities that frame and improve the school.
Careers Ambassadors – Our Careers Ambassadors provide advice and support to their peers when considering their careers options and help promote careers events and initiatives.
House Captains – Our House Captains lead House activities and, encouraging participation and involvement.
Active Citizenship
We are very proud of our pupils and how they make an active contribution to their community. Each House supports a House Charity – pupils learn about the work of the charity in their tutor groups and have opportunities to fund raise across the year to support nominated local causes. We also support national events and are very proud to have supported a number of causes this year, be this to raise awareness or raise money to support charity work. So far, we have:
- Held a Christmas Fayre, with money raised from House stalls to go to House Charities
- Prefects held a Bake Sale to raise money for Children in Need
- Christmas Jumper Day raised money for mental health charity, Mind
- The Winter Talent Showcase raised funds for a nominated local cause
- Pupils also learn about the importance of volunteering through tutor time and have the opportunity to join the Duke of Edinburgh scheme.
Promoting Diversity
Bournville welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and with different experiences. We take pride in the fact that we are an inclusive school that actively ensures we represent the community that we serve. We encourage a wide diversity of opinions so that all groups are represented and listened to which ensures everyone feels they have a voice, that they feel safe and have role models to look up to. We promote diversity in a variety of ways:
- Within the PSHE curriculum
- Equaliteach award achieved to educate staff and students
- Activities as part of European Day of Languages
- Black History and LGBT+ Month
- Diversity celebrated in the curriculum eg. Art, English
- Culture day
Enrichment means all the things that we do at Bournville School to bring the curriculum to life and enhance the learning experience. This includes our after-school clubs, trips and visits, workshops and other experiences such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. We recognise how important it is to provide our pupils with the opportunities to develop their talents and interests and experience the curriculum in a variety of different ways. Whether this be trying out for a school sports team, playing for the school band, representing the House or taking part in a school performance, we believe that our enrichment provision is a hugely important part of every pupil’s education. Visit the Extra-Curricular section of our website and follow us on X or Instagram to keep up to date with all that is going on at Bournville School including our trips, visits and whole school activities.
We encourage all our pupils to try at least one club at Bournville School although, of course, the more clubs they attend the better!