Academy Life
At Bournville we aim to develop articulate, resilient and ambitious students, regardless of background, with the knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits (KASH) to excel in modern Britain.
Our core values and beliefs are:
- Excellence – We strive for the highest quality to ensure excellent outcomes
- Dedication – We believe there is dignity in hard work and effort
- Ambition – We want the very best for our students
- Integrity – We believe in openness and transparency
- Tradition – We believe in old fashioned manners, courtesy and respect
Our curriculum is broad, balanced and built around students’ individual needs and abilities in order to allow all students to reach their potential and compete with others nationally.
The purpose of the curriculum is to enable students to:
- Acquire knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and a world of rapid and continuous technological and social change
- Develop a life-long love of learning
- Develop personal and moral values, respect for shared values and for other cultures, religions and ways of life
- Acquire sound numeracy and literacy skills
- Develop and acquire the qualities and qualifications necessary to enable them to reach their potential, progress to the next stage in their chosen learning or career pathway and compete with others nationally.
Home Learning
Home learning tasks should support progress of all students through, for example: challenging preparation work for lessons; independent research; consolidation of learning; improving work following informative feedback (written or verbal)
All students can access a rich extra-curricular programme that, together with the curriculum, promotes healthy, spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development, thereby preparing students for the opportunities and responsibilities of adult life.
Please click here for more information.
Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education
SMSC should be incorporated into every aspect of our school community, including every lesson, every assembly and every interaction between members of our school community. By ensuring the thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, and of their physical well-being, we can help to ensure that they thrive and develop as citizens, and we can also help to guard against radicalisation and extremism.
RSE and Health Education
We understand the importance of educating pupils about sex, relationships and their health, for them to make responsible and well-informed decisions in their lives.
The teaching of RSE and health education can help to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
We have an obligation to provide pupils with high-quality evidence and age-appropriate teaching of these topics. Our RSE policy outlines how the school’s RSE and health education curriculum will be organised and delivered, to ensure it meets the needs of all pupils.
Our programme is taught as part of the PSHE and science curriculum, and will help develop personal moral values and mutual respect, thereby preparing pupils to lead healthy and happy lives.
- If you would like more details of the resources used in RSE lessons please contact the school
We are committed to:
- Raising standards of achievement and learning for all our students
- Extending the range of opportunities available to students which best meet their needs and interests
- Benefiting other schools in the area and strengthening the links between school and the wider community
If you have any enquiries about the curriculum please contact: Miss R Dhinsa
Curriculum Information
- Curriculum - Art long term plan
- Curriculum overview - Art
- Curriculum - summary Art
- Curriculum - Learning Journal Art
- Curriculum - Art Skills
- Curriculum overview - Business
- Curriculum overview - Careers
- Careers - Encounters
- Careers - Drama, Dance, Music
- Curriculum overview - Computer and Computer Science
- Curriculum overview - Design & Technology
- Curriculum overview - Design & Technology Cross Curricular
- Curriculum overview - Drama
- Curriculum Drama Intent
- Curriculum intent Drama
- Curriculum slides - Drama
- Curriculum overview - English
- Curriculum overview - Enterprise (BTEC)
- Curriculum overview - Food Technology
- Curriculum overview - Geography
- Curriculum - Geography
- Curriculum overview - Health and Social
- Curriculum overview - History
- Curriculum - History intent
- Curriculum overview - Mathematics
- Curriculum overview - Music
- Curriculum summary - Music
- Curriculum overview - PE core
- Curriculum summary - PE
- Curriculum overview - PSHE
- Character - PHSE
- PHSE Intent
- Curriculum overview - Religious Studies Core & GCSE
- Curriculum overview - Science
- Curriculum overview - Spanish
- Curriculum Rationale - Spanish
- Parent and Carer Y7 Curriculum Guides
- Parent and Carer Y8 Curriculum Guides
- Parent and Carer Y9 Curriculum Guides
- Parent and Carer Y10 Curriculum Guides
- Parent and Carer Y11 Curriculum Guides
- Y10 Exam Information Booklet (specification overviews)
- Y11 Exam Information Booklet (specification overviews)
Further Information
If you wish to find out more about the curriculum offered at Bournville School, please contact us via