In tutor groups students have been working to make poppies with special messages of thanks to those who have served and do serve. Miss Walton
In tutor groups students have been working to make poppies with special messages of thanks to those who have served and do serve. Miss Walton
Y8 students are learning about The Industrial Revolution in History, to bring this to life for them this week we took them to the Black
‘Macbeth’ is a play studied as part of the English Literature exam so, where better to go and see it than the Globe Theatre
Yesterday, we welcomed nearly 30 local colleges, universities and businesses into school for our annual careers fair. All year groups, from Y7 to Y11 were
Bournville School is a member of the Fairfax Multi Academy Trust, a successful network of schools who share the same values and aspirations.
Proud to be an FMAT Academy