Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Leading Parent Partnership Award

As a school we have made a commitment to improve parental engagement and work towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA).  As part of this work, we are setting up a parent forum to work with parents more closely.

More information about the parent forum is below.  Please complete this form to give us your feedback and to indicate if you are interested in working with school leaders to achieve the award.

A reminder that we are regularly updating twitter and Instagram with school updates and student achievements.  Please ensure you are following!


What is a parent forum?

The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents/carers and Bournville School.  It is a valuable way for us to engage with parents/carers and provide you with a voice to actively make a difference to the education and life experience of students.


The aims of the parent forum:

  • Work together to improve the education provided for our children
  • Encourage more parents to get involved with school life
  • Strengthen our links with the community – share information, knowledge and skills
  • Parents/carers can raise issues
  • Further improve communications between parents/carers and Bournville staff
  • Consult on school policy

How often will the Parent Forum meet?

Each term for about an hour

Proposed dates:

  • Wednesday 23rd November
  • Wednesday 22nd March
  • Wednesday 5th July

Meetings will be face to face at Bournville School from 5pm-6pm

What will be discussed at the meetings?

The purpose of the forum is to discuss important issues at Bournville which could have an influence on shaping school policy. The agenda is set by the Senior Leadership Team but there will be opportunity for you to contribute to this.

Get involved

Please complete the form if you would like to be involved in the Parent Focus Group.

We will be in touch in the new academic year to confirm the membership of the group.

Miss H. Poole – Assistant Principal

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