First Day of Term Arrangements (Weds 5th Sept)

We look forward to welcoming all students back to school on Wednesday 5th September.

There is a staggered start for students with details below which is designed to support our new Year 7s on their first day at the academy:

  • Year 7 students should arrive at the academy for 9.00am.
  • Students in Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 should arrive at the academy for 10.30am.
  • Year 11 students should arrive at the academy for 10.10am.

All students should arrive in full school uniform and parents/carers can make sure their child meets our high standards of uniform by checking the policy here.

We hope all students have had a lovely break and are ready for the academic year ahead.

We urge parents/carers and students to connect with the school via our social media platforms to stay updated with school news, particularly our new Instagram account:

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