Y11 Mock Exam Results

On Friday 13th December, Mr Beaufoy held a special mock results afternoon for Y11 students to receive their results replicating the experience they will face in the summer. Students got a practical idea of what it will feel like to open those summer results.  For most it was a happy event, where they could see progress from exams at the end of Y10 and it consolidated that their hard work and attendance at period 6 sessions for the past half term was worth it!  It was also a learning experience for all as they reflected on what they should do next as they will be encouraged to work hard and continue to improve for the next set of mocks in March and in preparation for the summer exams.

Mr Beaufoy reminded students that staff care and will continue to support and provide opportunities to develop their confidence leading up to them sitting their GCSE examinations.  He also linked what they are doing now to their post-16 options which all Y11 students should be thinking about. Students should all be visiting colleges and filling in applications.  Having recently completed CVs in lessons, they will have mock interviews with local employers tomorrow.

Staff now very much look forward to the next Y11 progress evening which will take place on Thursday 23rd January to get the chance to discuss progress with parents.

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