Message from Miss Green
The festive season is upon us and students and staff are looking forward to a well-earned rest, a few mince pies and maybe a Christmas film or two. But as you settle in for another viewing of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, do so knowing that we have really achieved some great things this year.
We have navigated our way successfully through on-site Covid testing and vaccinations, mock examinations and the normal trials and tribulations of a school; but the challenges did not stop there.
We were fortunate to receive a visit from Ofsted this half term who took a really close look at how far the school has come in the last two year (one of those was in lock-down!) and following their forensic examination of all aspects of Bournville School we ae pleased to share some of their findings.
Ofsted have said that not only is the leadership and management of the school now good, but so is EYFS and personal development. This tells us all that Bournville school is on a sustained upward trajectory and what we are doing for our children and young people joining us in EYFS all the way through to leaving us in year 11 is preparing our students well for the next phase in their life.
We know that there are still lots to do, we know we will still have our daily challenges but what we also know is that together we are making a real difference.