Equally Safe School

We are proud to call ourselves an ‘Equally Safe’ school.  This year we have worked with Equaliteach, an organisation that specialises in promoting equality, inclusion and diversity.  Bournville School is committed to promoting respect and tolerance and we have happily worked alongside Equaliteach this year to achieve the following:

  • Revision of school policies and protocols to be more inclusive
  • Provided training  for students to become ‘Agents for Change’, students who collaborate in school to make change
  • Provided training for staff to encourage understanding and to support changes and improvements to the curriculum
  • Invited in a range of speakers and organised workshops that purposefully promote diversity and inspire students with a range of role models
  • Made our commitment to equality and inclusion more visible in school

We have plans to do lots more next year but are thrilled to receive our certificate recognising our achievements from this academic year!

Miss H. Poole – Assistant Principal

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