Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Attendance and Punctuality

At Bournville, excellent attendance is one of our top priorities.  We are keen to encourage all pupils to take full advantage of every teaching and learning opportunity available to them, and for that to happen it is important they are attending school daily and that they are punctual.

To find out more about our attendance and punctuality work, please read our ‘Attendance Matters’ booklet which can be found on our school website OR click the link below:


This half term we have been very pleased to offer a variety of incentives and rewards to those with excellent attendance.  We have:

*Sweet Rewards for those students who are in school every Friday and Monday

*Freddo chocolates for those students who have100% attendance each week

*An iPad to be won each half term.  Congratulations to Noah (Y9), our first winner!

*100% and 95% attendance certificates presented in the end of term celebration assembly

Make sure you are in school, on time, to be in with a chance to achieve well and earn one of these excellent rewards!

R. Mullings


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