You may be aware from media coverage that The NEU have declared strike action, which will take
place on the following dates:
· Wednesday 1st February 2023
· Wednesday 1st March 2023
· Wednesday 15th March 2023
· Thursday 16th March 2023
The strike is happening because of a national dispute between the unions and the government over
teachers’ pay and conditions, not because of any issues at our school.
We have been working closely with our staff union representatives to keep up to date with the situation.
There is a significant membership of NEU members at Bournville, therefore there will be a partial closure
of the school.
• The primary phase of our school will be unaffected. All children in primary will be able to come
to school as normal.
• The secondary phase of our school will be open for our most vulnerable students. We will contact
the families of these students so that we can plan accordingly.
*Please note, that teaching members of staff who are striking are not compelled to set work for students
therefore, some remote work will be generic, however we plan to ensure the majority is closely linked
to the curriculum and some of the work may also be set by the class teacher. If there is no specific set
work for a period, they need to complete the Independent Learning Work linking it to the subject
scheduled on their timetable.
Vulnerable Students
Definition – Families who are involved with social services and may have a social worker. Students who
have an Education and Healthcare Plan (EHCP).
If you feel that your child is in the vulnerable student category and is in Year 7-11 or you would like to
discuss whether your child is in this category, please contact Ms K Wheeler
( so that we can ensure we have sufficient provision.
Free School Meals
If your child is working remotely and is eligible for free school meals, you are able to order a packed
lunch for Wednesday. If you would like to do this, please complete the form on the link below by 3pm on
Monday 30th January and the lunch will be available to collect from Elgar Hall on Tuesday at 3pm
I am sorry about the disruption to your child’s education and I understand that this will be challenging
and frustrating for parents.
Mr D. Thomas
Vice Principal